Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Making better food choices - one week at a time!

A friend of mine had mentioned the blog "100 Days of Real Food" to me a while back, but just recently I found it while looking for recipes on the internet the other day.  The idea of eating more real food has been on my mind for the past couple of years.  I'd love for our diet to look much more like food the way God created it, not the way it's been "created" in a plant. We've done better in some areas, but it's just kind of hard - processed foods are just so much easier, faster, and sometimes cheaper!  Plus, trying to get our kids (3 and 1) to just eat SOMETHING has been my goal as of late.

About two years ago, Daniel and I tried The Daniel Plan.  The food part of it is pretty similar - "real" food, less highly processed food products.  We went all out.  We trashed or gave away everything in the house that was on the avoid list.  For example, we got rid of anything that contained high fructose corn syrup... it was in a lot more products than I expected!  However, I've learned that the all-or-nothing approach to anything is a recipe for failure - for me at least!  I'll do great for a couple weeks, but then once I mess up and/or get lazy, it all goes out the window.  I think the root cause of this is my perfectionist tendencies. (Thank you to the FLY Lady for helping me figure this out! "To Mop or Not to Mop; But First")

So when I came across the mini-pledges on the 100 Days of Real Food blog, I was immediately interested!  Instead of going "cold turkey", you just tackle each challenge one week at a time, for 14 weeks.  Drastically changing our diet was (1) not going to last long (knowing myself), and (2) not going to go over well with the kiddos!  You have the option to build each week onto the next or just tackle each challenge one at a time.  My plan is just take them one at a time, but to try to incorporate what we learn each week into our normal routine.  Less pressure = more likely to succeed! :)

Each week's challenge/pledge will start on Monday mornings.  Since I decided on this during nap time yesterday afternoon (Monday) and hadn't talked to Daniel about it until he got home from work, we started with dinner last night.  So this will be a slightly shorter week.

Week 1 Pledge: Two fruits and/or vegetables at each meal - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Dried fruits and fruit juices don't count.

Monday's dinner was a new recipe, Unstuffed Pasta Florentine.  It's basically 100% whole grain pasta with spinach, a creamy sauce and 3 types of cheese.  It was pretty good.  Emma did fair, but Andrew only took a bite or two.  We have a one-bite rule, so they have to at least try it!  We had fresh strawberries for dessert.  I couldn't find whole grain rigatoni (the only had the regular kind), so I substituted it for a box of 100% whole grain penne rigate pasta.


  • Breakfast for the adults was 2 eggs (omelet for Daniel, scrambled for me) with chopped green bell pepper, turkey sausage, cheese, and salsa.  I also added chopped tomato to mine.  The kids will eat some of my scrambled eggs, Emma especially, but she wasn't awake yet when I was eating this morning.  So this morning the kids had french toast sticks, banana and apple.  Neither of them were really in the mood to eat their fruit this morning, though.
  • Lunch for the adults was leftovers from last night and fruit (grapes for me).  The kids had a homemade lunchable (lunch meat, string cheese, wheat crackers), grapes, and an orange.  They ate at school today, so I don't know how well Emma ate, but Andrew's daily report said he ate "all" of his lunch!  Probably because he was super hungry he didn't eat well this morning!
  • Dinner: the plan for tonight is another new recipe, Sun Dried Tomato Grilled Chicken & Vegetables.  It uses a store-bought dressing as a marinade, which definitely does not follow the real food "rules", but the focus this week is just 2 fruits/veggies at each meal, so I'm not worrying about it.  I already had it in the fridge from another recipe, so I need to use it up anyway.  We're on a budget here, people! :)  It's got red and green bell peppers, so that could count as two different veggies, but we'll probably have strawberries after dinner again tonight.

Our fruit and vegetable bins are pretty full, so I plan to just figure out breakfasts and lunches as we go for the rest of the week.  I have dinner for the next two nights planned, but I'll need to figure something out for this weekend.  Wednesday night will be leftovers since we don't have much time for dinner because of church that evening.  And Thursday will be tacos with Easy Slow Cooker Refried Beans, cheese, sour cream, cilantro, and corn tortillas with kale chips on the side.  We'll probably include some onion or bell pepper in the tacos to increase our veggie count--and make it more like a fajita!

Any great recipes we should try this weekend?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bad things come in 3s...

It seems like people always say that "bad things come in threes."  Well, we definitely experience that recently!

It all started 3 weeks ago when we were at H-E-B on a Saturday morning.  Emma tripped and hit her chin on the Buddy Bucks machine, biting her tongue in the process.  It was bad!  It started bleeding like crazy.  This was her first major injury, and it kind of freaked us all out!

The next week Andrew was fussy, but didn't have a fever or anything, so we didn't worry about it.  That Friday we took him to his 18 month check-up and found out that he had an ear infection!  Poor guy!

Then the next Friday Daniel hit his head on a piece of equipment at work.  He got a really bad cut from it and had to get 7 staples!
After 5 days
The GOOD news is that Emma tongue has healed beautiful, Andrew's ear infection went away after one round of antibiotics, and Daniel has experienced very little pain.  The cut has not gotten infected, and it is healing nicely.  He is very ready to have the staples removed on Tuesday, though!  They're driving him crazy.

I'm thankful for friends and family who prayed for us during all this craziness, for doctors and friends with experience and wisdom, and for pain medicine and antibiotics that help our illnesses and injuries.
Our God is greater and stronger than any other. Our God is healer awesome in power.

Homemade vs. Store-Bought Cleaners

Lately I've been trying to make more things at home instead of buying them at the store.  Initially, I started this DIY kick with cleaning supplies.  I'd like to actually know/understand what is in the products I'm using, be more "green" and save money!  Cleaning supplies can be pretty expensive!

Here's a list of what I've been using lately:

  • Homemade Dishwasher Detergent - I use the DIY Natural recipe and keep it in a plastic jar with a clamp lid.  To keep the detergent from clumping, I follow their advice and leave the mixture out on the counter and stir several times a day for a day or two before putting it under the kitchen sink.  The first time I made this recipe, they hadn't posted that tip yet, and eventually my detergent turned into a solid, useless mass that I had to attack with a knife or ice pick in order to use!  I had stored it in a glass jar, and the dumb thing broke while trying to get 1 T. of detergent out for my next load!  Hence why I use a plastic jar now!!
  • Dishwasher Rinse Agent - white vinegar as suggested by DIY Natural
  • All-Purpose Cleaner - I make Orange-Scented Vinegar Spray and use it around the kitchen. I can't remember which blog I originally found this idea from, but it's really pretty simple.  Just get a glass jar with a lid, and as you eat oranges, put the peels in the jar.  Fill the jar about 2/3 full with vinegar so that it won't over-flow as you add more orange peels.  Let it sit for a couple weeks until the vinegar turns to a nice dark, orange color.  Then put a 50/50 mixture of the orange vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and you're all set!  The orange scent helps makes the strong vinegar odor, but not completely.  Fortunately, it does a great job cleaning my counters and the vinegar smell goes away very quickly!
  • Homemade Dish-Washing Liquid - I made DIY Natural's recipe recently, but it does not foam up much... hardly at all, actually!  They say that suds are not necessary to get things clean, and I think they may be right because it works pretty well.  But I don't like the lack of suds due to the fact that it makes it hard for me to tell where I've scrubbed and where I haven't and if I've truly gotten the dish clean.  Next time, I think I'll try this recipe if I can find a good deal on liquid castile soap.  I'll probably try this recipe with Ivory soap (even thought it calls for castile bar soap) since that's what I have on hand.
So obviously, my focus has been on kitchen cleaners lately.  I thought about doing laundry detergent, but I'm pretty happy the Ecos brand that we buy at Sam's.  It's all-natural, does a good job cleaning our clothes, and it's not very expensive (about 5.5 cents per load - comparable to DIY Natural's recipe).

What cleaning products do YOU make at home?


Hi! I've decided to start a blog of my own since our family blog is under my husband's account, so it makes it difficult for me to post.  I plan on using this to post what's going on in my life and our family and to also talk about things that I like, recipes I've tried, etc.  Kind of a diary of sorts - feel free to listen in on my ramblings, if you'd like!